Amazon’s New Echo Look AI Speaker Has Computer VisionAmazon’s New Echo Look AI Speaker Has Computer Vision

Amazon’s New Echo Look AI Speaker Has Computer Vision

Ed Lauder

April 28, 2017

2 Min Read

This Wednesday, Amazon debuted their new AI assistant speaker, Amazon Echo Look, which is also equipped with a camera capable of computer vision.

Amazon, Google, Apple, Samsung… All of these technology-based companies are looking into how they can get their AI assistants into the hands and homes of as many customers as possible.

Google recently released their virtual assistant speaker, Google Home, which received very positive reviews, with many media outlets claiming that it was a superior product to the Amazon Echo.

Yet, Amazon has hit back with their new updated AI assistant speaker, Amazon Echo Look, which features a camera with computer vision, meaning it can offer you advice on what you should wear, improve home security and even monitor its user’s mood.

The amazon Echo Look was released this Wednesday and is equipped with Amazon’s AI assistant, Alexa.

Amazon spoke of the Echo Look’s new feature which might interest a few customers, Style Check computer vision, which will act as your very own stylist by giving you advice on what you should wear, as well as stream live video.

With it being predicted that by 2020 75% of US home will have smart speakers, tech companies the world over are striving to incorporate intelligence virtual assistants into their products, and ecommerce is an area which will be keen on exploring how computer vision could affect sales.

EBay for instance, recently introduced its now AI software, Shopbot, which they hope will incentivise customers to buy more products on their platform.

We’ve also seen Pintrest debut Pintrest Lens, which will help to power visual searches. Samsung’s Bixby will also be able to do something similar, in which you can show it an item through your phone’s camera, and the AI assistant will be able to identify it, offer you information on whatever it is seeing, and even give you links to where you might be able to purchase said item.

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