AI Helps People Unleash Their Inner CreativityAI Helps People Unleash Their Inner Creativity

Generative AI provides precise capabilities that can help find solutions to problems

Dawa Tarchin Phillips, CEO of TAIWA

September 4, 2024

3 Min Read
Children lying in a circle using tablets
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Have you ever been stuck in a creative rut, or not sure how to move forward with a project?

You are not the only one.

Feeling a lack of creativity is inevitable even for the most creative, it’s how you move through it and forward that matters. Whether it's a special project, work presentation or dedicated research, trying new and innovative approaches can feel like its own chore, now new technology is making it easier for you. Generative AI provides precise capabilities that can help find solutions to problems. These are algorithms creating space by taking on time-consuming tasks and giving people the opportunity to reallocate limited resources to more pressing, creative or complex issues.

Having more time in your day can give you the freedom to be creative. Not only does this help people perform better in the workplace, research shows it has positive impacts on people’s mental health. When people feel accomplished at work, it pushes them to do better in the future. It is a chain effect and AI is at the center of success.

Generative AI is everywhere and that means inspiration is everywhere.

AI is Your Eyes and Ears

Are you a graphic designer, writer or maybe a musician? No matter what your job is, AI is there to help you break the boundaries and try something new. For those who are trying to create a visual masterpiece, new technology is giving you the pieces to the puzzle. For example, AI can be used as a starting point when starting a new project. Algorithms can create new patterns, images, sounds and compositions that maybe you have never seen before. This can point you in the right direction and help you develop new artistic skills that maybe you would not have pursued otherwise.

Related:Generative AI Strategy Primer for Executives

AI is the Future of Education

As younger generations grow up with advancing technology, it’s no secret that AI is helping students learn. Students can now have a more personalized classroom experience, by giving them feedback and advice on how to improve. The curriculum can also adapt to each student’s learning styles and abilities. This keeps students engaged because they are getting instant gratification for their work and it also heightens classroom morale. When students feel accomplished it motivates them to keep working hard. This stimulates creativity because students will feel supported to try new things. Having a good support system in the classroom is crucial to student success.

AI is the Ultimate Problem-Solving Tool

Generative AI is revolutionizing fields like engineering and medicine by suggesting solutions to complex problems. In the medical field, AI comes in handy when diagnosing a patient or coming up with personalized treatment plans. Because this type of technology runs quickly, it can give health experts the answers they need to be creative and make critical decisions. When it comes to life or death situations, AI is a resource to help you think outside the box so your patients can get the highest level of care.

Related:Applying AI and Analytics to Emissions Data

Creativity is not just limited to the arts, it is in everything we do. The workplace can sometimes feel so routine, but AI challenges us to break outside of the box. From art and education to problem-solving skills, AI gives us the tools we need to unleash our inner creativity.

About the Author

Dawa Tarchin Phillips


Dawa Tarchin Phillips is one of the world’s foremost human transformation experts and a visionary serial entrepreneur. After 12 years in a monastery, including seven years in a meditation retreat, he established a University of California research center in neuroscience and co-founded the International Mindfulness Teachers Association which accredits mindfulness teacher training programs and educators in 30 countries. 

He’s a sought-after speaker and number one bestselling author on mindful leadership and conscious business, founder and chairman of Empowerment Holding and founder and CEO of TAIWA, an AI technology platform for human transformation in organizations at scale. His work is recognized by the Transformational Leadership Council, the Association of Transformational Leaders, the New York Times, Huffington Post, Forbe and Fast Company.

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