1000+ Business Leaders to Debate Future of AI in London1000+ Business Leaders to Debate Future of AI in London

1000+ Business Leaders to Debate Future of AI in London

Ed Lauder

March 7, 2017

3 Min Read

AI is the biggest buzzword of 2017, and it’s radically changing the ways businesses operate. There’s only one event to attain more knowledge about artificial intelligence, The AI Summit London, taking place on May 9th and 10th.

Artificial Intelligence is quickly becoming a vital part of most industries, which is why businesses are looking to the fast-growing technology as the future. This is where The AI Summit becomes an extremely interesting proposition. The AI Summit is now the world’s foremost event solely dedicated to covering AI for businesses, and encompasses everything from Machine Learning & Deep Learning, to Cognitive Computing. The upcoming event, The AI Summit London, taking place on May 9th and 10th at The Business Design Centre.

After holding successful shows in London, San Francisco, New York and Tokyo, the Summit is coming back to the British capital, the world's busiest business hub. The AI Summit London will not only offer a unique opportunity to listen to keynote speeches from industry leaders across a wide range of industries, but also a chance to engage with these business leaders in person, network, discuss the transformative impact of AI with senior decision makers.

The AI Summit is renowned for its keynote program. There will be over 100 speakers at the event, delivering more than 60 hours of content. Attendees will uncover the secrets of being successful in using AI for improving both their own efficiency and their customers’ experiences.

Listening to the speakers at The AI Summit offers an unprecedented opportunity to get the inside track on all things AI related. For instance, Marc Lien, Group Director of Innovation and Digital Development, Lloyds Banking, will be educating audience members on how he intends to bring humans and intelligent machines together seamlessly to transform a bank which has been operating for over 250 years. BT’s Head of Big Data and Customer Experience, Simon Thompson, will be informing us of his research on how AI can exponentially improve customer experiences in the immediate future. Alan Mak MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, House of Commons will be detailing the government’s work with technologies such as AI, powering the Fourth Industrial revolution. Chris Corrado, Group CIO and COO, London Stock Exchange will be sharing his vision on how AI will make humans smarter!

However, The AI Summit London isn’t just about the conference programme, it’s also about who'll be in attendance. Being part of this event will grant you access the movers and shakers in the tech and business world, which is an unrivaled opportunity for networking, and offers the exciting prospect of meeting these powerful business leaders in person. Among the already confirmed senior attendees are the SVP of Citgiroup, the Vice President of Deutsche Bank, Head of Digital Innovation at EDF Energy and the CTO BBC.

The AI Summit London also has tailored specific packages to enable the engagement of AI start-ups, where they’ll get to showcase their expertise to potential enterprise customers alongside the tech giants and global players. Start-ups can take part in the Summit’s venture capital matchmaking sessions, connecting with the leading investors and funds who are focused on AI start-ups. The AI Summit London is an unmatched occasion to connect with potential customers and partners, utilising the extensive community of AI enthusiasts and experts who’ll be present.

If you want to know more about the The AI Summit London, you can visit the website, download the brochure and full programme and register to attend the event.

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