AI Beyond: What's happening in databases?AI Beyond: What's happening in databases?

With Jonathan Ellis, co-founder and CTO of DataStax

Max Smolaks

March 10, 2020

With Jonathan Ellis, co-founder and CEO of DataStax

by Max Smolaks 10 February 2020

In this interview, we're talking machine learning and data management with Jonathan Ellis, co-founder and CTO of DataStax. The company has been developing the eponymous database, based on the open source Apache Cassandra project, for a decade.

It's NoSQL - meaning unstructured - the polar opposite of the rows and columns that you might imagine when thinking about a database. Not that you might be thinking about databases, that would be weird, right?

We discuss the origins of Cassandra and the story behind DataStax, the role of databases in machine learning, the changing nature of APIs, and the challenges facing developers. Expect graphic descriptions of distributed systems.

And in case you don't have time to watch 22 minutes of talking heads, the conversation is also available as a podcast:

This is the second entry in our AI Beyond series, a new AI Business project that will focus on the emerging trends in AI, cutting-edge research and happenings in the world of technology that are affected by the machine learning revolution in less obvious ways. You can expect not just video, but podcasts, cartoons, and who knows, maybe even a video game.

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