AI Business Podcast | Episode 1: The PilotAI Business Podcast | Episode 1: The Pilot

In which we discuss AI systems that fight the impact of COVID-19, AI-generated memes, military strategy and video games

Max Smolaks

May 12, 2020

In which we discuss AI systems that fight the impact of COVID-19, AI-generated memes, military strategy and video games

by Max Smolaks 11 May 2020

We've been talking about it for a while, and it's finally here: the bi-weekly AI Business podcast! Our aim is to present an exciting selection of industry news from the past two weeks, discuss the stories we are working on, while always looking out for the strangest, most cutting-edge applications of artificial intelligence out there.

In the first episode, we talk about two use cases for AI in fighting COVID-19 - in drug development and medical image processing (and there are more).

We delve into the project Gamebreaker - DARPA's initiative which will use AI models trained on open world video games to devise winning war strategies.

We also discuss the the size and processing requirements of machine learning models - a problem which is being attacked from several angles by both software and hardware designers. Smaller size is useful if we really want a gazillion AI-enabled devices promised to us by the Internet of Things crowd.

And finally, we look at AI-generated Coronavirus memes - a harmless machine learning exercise that could open the floodgates for a new breed of marketing content.

Got a suggestion or an idea for an upcoming show? Let us know in the comments on SoundCloud or Twitter.

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