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Health Tech Could Be The Key To A Fitter, Healthier Workforce
January 12, 2017
According to a new online YouGov survey, 57% of the British workforce seems open to monitoring their health with technology at work, as long as their employer provides them with the device to execute it. That was the key message AI Business took away from this week’s AXA PPP Health Tech & You roundtable event, where CxOs from AXA, NHS Digital, 2020Health, Starcount and more gathered to discuss the state of play of technologies in the workplace, including AI.
The third annual AXA PPP Health Tech & You State of the Nation online survey revealed that the majority wants to ‘get fit and keep fit’, with encouragement from their bosses, however, currently only 5% of workers have already been provided with health tech by their employers.
“London, 11 January, 2017 – The workplace could be the best place for the mass adoption of health tech in the UK helping to improve and maintain employees’ health through company wellness programmes – if only workers got more support from their employers”, AXA PPP’s press release reads.
The most surprising result, per the researchers, was that the employees were not reluctant to share their health data with their employee in order to help them improve the health and wellbeing of the workforce, as long as it helped with the organisation’s employee health and wellbeing programmes.
Dr Chris Tomkins, Head of Proactive Health, AXA PPP healthcare, said: “The increased use of health tech within the workplace could so easily be a win-win for both employer and employee. For the first time it is possible to support an individual throughout their journey from better understanding of their health to actual improvements through smart digital platforms. Furthermore, there are often staff schemes with open platforms that enable individuals to use and share information from their own personal devices, ensuring their contribution is recognised”.
“Of course, some individuals are naturally concerned about how their data is used and employers are keen to have a clear separation between themselves and such personal data. Therefore, both employer and employee could benefit from the expertise of using an independent third-party provider who can ensure privacy.” he said”.
Richard Cooper, Head of Digital Marketing, AXA PPP healthcare said that during the last three years, the AXA PPP Health Tech & You Awards programme have identified many new and emerging health tech innovations that they have not only been able to highlight, but also share knowledge of with their members and their client partners for the benefits of their employees through the help of their Proactive Health Gateway service.
“As part of our activities for 2017, we continue to seek the best in health tech and encourage developers, innovators and designers to enter this year’s AXA PPP Health Tech & You Awards programme,” Cooper said.
The Health Tech & You Awards 2017:
The Health Tech & You Awards programme for 2017 includes six categories, all having a distinct focus on identifying health technologies that can support specific needs in our society. The purpose is to have the most positive impact for health care providers and identifying individual innovators and organisations that are pioneers within health technology, to benefit the individuals, the press release reads.
Each of the six categories has its own judging and entry approach, and to enter you can visit www.healthtechandyou.com. The closing date is Monday 16th January 2017.
The Trending Award
The Future Award
AXA PPP Health Tech & You Challenge
The Health & Care Professional’s Choice
The Health Tech & Age Award
The Wow! Award
“AXA PPP Health Tech & You will be showcasing this year’s finalists and winners at a dedicated exhibition at the Design Museum from the 25th April to 8th May 2017, offering visitors the chance to see and interact with the latest in health tech and innovation”, the press release reads.
Photo Credit: Wikipedia
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