Luxembourg embarks on Europe's first national AI collaboration with NvidiaLuxembourg embarks on Europe's first national AI collaboration with Nvidia

Luxembourg embarks on Europe's first national AI collaboration with Nvidia

Ciarán Daly

February 5, 2019

2 Min Read

Luxembourg will become the first European country to embark on a joint initiative with NVIDIA to found a national AI laboratory, it was revealed last week.

Despite being one of the smallest countries in Europe, Luxembourg has signed up to bold proposals with NVIDIA which will see the creation of a brand new AI lab which aims to use AI to meet the needs of industry and society. It will work across industry lines, looking at a diverse range of areas including healthcare, finance, security, and space exploration. NVIDIA plans to contribute engineering expertise, compute power, and software required to get the lab off the ground.

Luxembourg Prime Minister, Xavier Bettel, said: "Luxembourg is nurturing a pan-European innovation ecosystem. This cooperation with NVIDIA is big news for our local innovators, and our country is proud to be the first European country to create an AI partnership with NVIDIA."

One of the key focuses for the AI lab will be its cross-disciplinary approach, explains Stéphane Pallage, rector of the University of Luxembourg.

"Tackling real-world problems involves bringing together experts from across disciplines, not just the sciences but also law, the humanities, and beyond," Pallage said. "This collaboration provides an ew context for this approach, and we are sure it will have a very positive impact on the economy and society."

"Whether this is in identifying new application areas or pushing ahead with existing work, from our use of drones for automated airplane inspections to the analysis of genomes and mobile health sensor data, we look forward to seeing the results."

The team behind the lab will bring together representatives from the University of Luxembourg's High-Performance Computing Team, the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust (SnT), and the Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology (LIST).

Source: Nvidia

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