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Choosing Your First Generative AI Use Cases
To get started with generative AI, first focus on areas that can improve human experiences with information.
Connect it to the network, they said. What’s the worst that can happen, they said.
May 17, 2021
Connect it to the network, they said. What’s the worst that can happen, they said.
This week on the AI Business podcast, we share some thoughts on the ransomware attack against the Colonial Pipeline – which will be discussed for years to come as one of the first notable examples of a successful cyber attack against physical infrastructure.
This is nightmare fuel for the CISO.
AI Business · AI Business Podcast 29, Part One: The pipeline blues
This is not a story about AI – but it goes to show the dangers of indiscriminate data collection, and once again highlights the pitfalls of putting every device on the Internet.
Digital transformation cannot be stopped! So the only option left is to think much more thoroughly about cyber security.
Fortunately, so far nation states have not shown much willingness to attack critical infrastructure – it’s the squirrels you need to be worried about.
The content of this podcast should not be taken as actual cyber security advice. Pay the professionals to give you advice, and run some penetration testing. One place where you can find them is at Black Hat USA, which starts on August 4 as a hybrid event, with physical presence in Las Vegas.
We also cover: Y2K! SCADA systems! Stockpiling zero-days!
Look out for Part Two of the podcast later this week, in which we will look at an assortment of stories in our regular segment, What’s The News With Wodecki.
All your likes are belong to us.
As always, you can find the people responsible for the circus podcast online:
Max ‘Air gap enthusiast’ Smolaks (@maxsmolax)
Sebastian ‘Come friendly bombs’ Moss (@SebMoss)
Tien ‘Two shots’ Fu (@tienchifu)
Ben ‘Young blood’ Wodecki (@benwodecki)
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