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60% Of Enterprises Planning, Trialing, or Deploying AI Applications In The Next 18 Months
January 3, 2018
Nearly 60% of enterprises are either planning or trialing AI applications in the next 18 months, a report by Ovum ICT Enterprise Insights claims.
Based on interviews with over 6,300 senior ICT decisionmakers across 60 countries in Q3 and Q4 of 2017, the report - entitled 'ICT Enterprise Insights: Artificial Intelligence' - offers a crystal-clear glimpse into what 2018 will hold for AI in the enterprise.
The rate at which AI will transform the nature of work is readily apparent, with an average 60% of ICT enterprise decisionmakers planning, trialing, or fully deploying AI in the next year and a half. The report examines AI investment by technology, demonstrating significant interest in the role of AI in decisionmaking, data-mining, and predictive analytics, among others.
The findings support a recent AI Business research report which surveyed 3,000 C-Level executives globally. 92% of these respondents saw AI bringing improved efficiency across the board, while 77% expect to see a reduction in overall costs and 66% anticipate enhanced accuracy in their operations. By focusing on a large sample of IT experts implementing AI on the ground, Ovum's report offers a valuable new perspective on the current status of AI in business.
Download the full infographic here
Ovum studied a large sample of senior enterprise ICT figures from around the world, collating data by region and sub-region. The report indicates roughly equal interest in investment in AI by region. Full deployment of AI applications is currently highest in the Americas; enterprises in EMEA countries seem to be focusing their efforts on trials; while enterprises in APAC countries still appear to be in the planning stage of AI investment.
The report has been released alongside an infographic exploring the top three use cases for AI by industry. The vast majority of enterprises in buy-side organisations, banking, telecoms, and healthcare are already in the planning, trialing, or deployment stages of AI. Order management, client servicing, and portfolio management topped the list of use cases in the buy side, while digital banking, cybersecurity, and risk management is predictably a focus of the banking sector.
These findings lay the foundations for what is set to be AI's biggest year yet. For more information on how you can access the full report for deeper insights into what the next 18 months hold for AI in the enterprise, contact [email protected].
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