Dell Technologies World 2022: Smarter PCs aim to remove user pain pointsDell Technologies World 2022: Smarter PCs aim to remove user pain points

Concept Pari and Concept Flow seek to improve user workflow.

Deborah Yao, Editor

May 2, 2022

1 Min Read

Concept Pari and Concept Flow seek to improve user workflow.

Dell Technologies has been working on incorporating AI into its PCs to remove what it calls problematic ‘micro moments’ from the user’s day.

For example, when moving from one location to another, users have to unpack their laptops and reconnect their peripherals again.

“Imagine if I just walked up and put my laptop down and it connects wirelessly to all my peripherals without me having to do a thing,” said Marc Hammons, senior technologist at Dell, during a panel at Dell Technologies World in Las Vegas.

That is Concept Flow – and it also disconnects users automatically when they leave.

“The VPN fires up and connects back to corporate and it’s wirelessly charging while it’s there on the desk top,” Hammons said. “This is a modern workspace built for this hybrid mode of working that we're all in.“

Another tool is Dell’s Concept Pari, which is an AI-powered wireless webcam that users can move and attach anywhere on the computer screen to change the field of view. It also identifies the speaker and keeps him or her in the center frame.

“Not only can you take the camera and actually move it about the screen you can put it dead center of the screen and engage with your audience while you're speaking,” he said.“

These two compliment Dell’s existing Optimizer service, which is its AI-powered software that offers such things as automatic dimming of screens when the user looks away, auto sign-ins when users approach the PC and locks it when they step away, as well as a privacy filter.

About the Author

Deborah Yao


Deborah Yao runs the day-to-day operations of AI Business. She is a Stanford grad who has worked at Amazon, Wharton School and Associated Press.

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